Maybe I got inspired by the beautiful branches that Stefan had got me for my arrival home last week (see above), or maybe it was the thought of warmer times when the flowers start to pop there heads out from a cold winter below ground... but this week I have had a flower week! I have found a lovely florist (and once she's locked in I'll share some more about her work) But it got me to thinking about the Brits and their garden obsessions.
British people as a generalisation love to garden! People take great pride in them: they nurture them, mow their lawns and pull out all the weeds and when it's not raining, they spend an awful lot of time outside enjoying them. That said, for those of you coming to visit the UK, there are many places where you can see some beautiful gardens for yourselves:
Wisley Gardens are truly beautiful. Not too far from the wedding location, Wisley has a massive range of plant, fruit, tree and herb life. Plus it has a huge cathedral like glass house.
Another place that I love is
Hampton Court Palace. Although I love it for the Palace and history as well as the gardens, it's great place to take in some English history, walk along the Thames and try not to get lost in the maze there! Hampton Court is just on the edge of London and accessible by train both from London and from Woking.
... and while on the subject of flowers, thank you to Pola (one of my bridesmaids) for the beautiful flowers you gave me last night. They've really cheered up our apartment.