Friday, January 29, 2010

Please book your rooms (when you're ready to!)

Seeing as most of you have your save the date now, I just wanted to let you know about rooms at Gorse Hill. You'll be pleased to know that we have negotiated a special rate of 75 pounds per/night, per room! All the 50 rooms in the hotel have been blocked out for us for Friday 27th and Saturday 28th August. To secure your room you will have to please phone up and book your own room... Just say that you are party of the Daniels/ Pearson wedding and Gorse Hill will be happy to make your reservation.
There number is +44 1483 286516

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Don't forget your passport

Stefan had to send his passport away this weekend to get extra pages sewn in....
which got me thinking about all of you who are going be traveling from abroad.
Please, please, please remember to check your passport expiry date. I can think of nothing worse than showing up at the airport to only be turned away because of an expired passport (does that sound familiar to you Matthew Kraeger??)
So, please do check in time! Alternatively, please make sure that you get a passport!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


.....WE ARE ONLINE (although more info and links to come)!!
Stay tuned for me updates to the site. N&S x

Monday, January 18, 2010

Be on the look out....

.....Our save the dates are in the post!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blooming Marvellous

Maybe I got inspired by the beautiful branches that Stefan had got me for my arrival home last week (see above), or maybe it was the thought of warmer times when the flowers start to pop there heads out from a cold winter below ground... but this week I have had a flower week! I have found a lovely florist (and once she's locked in I'll share some more about her work) But it got me to thinking about the Brits and their garden obsessions.

British people as a generalisation love to garden! People take great pride in them: they nurture them, mow their lawns and pull out all the weeds and when it's not raining, they spend an awful lot of time outside enjoying them. That said, for those of you coming to visit the UK, there are many places where you can see some beautiful gardens for yourselves:

Wisley Gardens are truly beautiful. Not too far from the wedding location, Wisley has a massive range of plant, fruit, tree and herb life. Plus it has a huge cathedral like glass house.

Another place that I love is Hampton Court Palace. Although I love it for the Palace and history as well as the gardens, it's great place to take in some English history, walk along the Thames and try not to get lost in the maze there! Hampton Court is just on the edge of London and accessible by train both from London and from Woking.

... and while on the subject of flowers, thank you to Pola (one of my bridesmaids) for the beautiful flowers you gave me last night. They've really cheered up our apartment.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Welcome to Woking

Trains in the UK are a great way to get around. Woking (home town of Gorse Hill) has a large station that can take you to lots destinations across the country. There is also many, many trains that run to and from London daily. The ride takes about 30 minutes depending on whether you get the non-stop train or the stopping train. Woking is also really easy to get to from Heathrow airport, either via London on the train, or by the Rail Air bus service... all of which will be posted on our website once up and running!

The above picture was taken last Tuesday a few hours before the snow fell across the whole of the UK. Although grey, welcome to Woking friends!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gorse in the snow

The UK saw it's worst snow in many many years this past week....
However, it looked pretty beautiful, especially when I went to Gorse Hill on Friday.
(it made me think that a winter wedding would also be nice!)

The snow came over my boots, the trees looked like they had cotton wool in the branches and even the Magnolia buds had frozen! Bbbrrrrr...Keep warm wherever you are!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Winter Wonderland in Woking!

After having to abort our drive home in the snow last night, Mum and I spent the night in the nearest Holiday Inn.  Even though this doesn't really have to do with the wedding, I'm paying homage to this horrible weather! 

Hopefully there will not be snow in August (but who knows these day)  Pictured below are some of the locals here in Woking today!

...Keep warm whatever side of the Pond you are on! x

Monday, January 4, 2010

London calling!

A trip home could not go with out a visit to London.   On our travels around town there were a few spots that I recommend you to stop by (most of which I haven't been to in years!)
Spitalfields Market, Brick Lane (especially if you have a craving for a curry), Camden Lock Market and the London Eye to name but a few....
Below is a little taster of what the The Big Smoke has to offer!
Stay tuned for more detailed postings on what to do in London before (or after) out BIG day!

Clockwise from left to right: The Union Jack flying proud! A London pigeon (stop by Trafalgar Square to feed the birds.  The London Eye - take a spin for a birds eye view of the city.  The London skyline at dusk.  The good old telephone box with the navite Blue Tit atop of it.  Blue Tit is wearing the Crown Jewels, stylists own (I wish!).  A London Guard.  Good old British sweets.  Yummy cupcakes from Camden Market.  Lastly an ice cream truck (found all over the country!)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hats continued...

Just as a little follow up, here are some of the lovely hats that were on display at my dearest friend (and bridesmaid to be) Gabrielle Carter's wedding, which took place on Saturday 19th December 2009... It was also the most beautiful and amazing day.

The four lovely ladies above all had fabulous head gear on (especially Miss Alice Ratcliffe, Gabz's wedding planner extraordinaire in the top picture, with butterflies on her head!)