Friday, March 19, 2010

Introduction to the wedding party: Gabrielle (aka Gabz)

Gabrielle, Gabby, Gabz, Gab.... which ever one of those names you call here, she is the bridesmaid that has know me the longest and the best. Never shy to tell me when I'm being an idiot, but ALWAYS there when I need her.

We went to university together and spent many a late night sketching away to the wee hours, often watching rubbish films and drinking liters of tea to stay awake!

Not only did Gabz get married to the amazing Gareth in December.... but, she also recently found out she is pregnant! The not so fun thing about it (for her) is that the baby is due about 2 weeks after the wedding! So, Gabz will be one heavily pregnant bridesmaid!!

Gabz - Even if you can't manage to walk down the aisle and I have to push you in a wheelchair your presence there will mean the world to me. You're my girl. x

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Introduction to the wedding party: Thom

Thom, Thommy Tiger, my brother! I was really touched when Stefan decided that he wanted Thom to be part of his wedding party. Obviously as brother to the bride, he was going to be involved. But Stefan didn't feel like that was enough... so he popped the question to Thom! And he obligingly said yes!!! I love that we are a family even before the marriage has happened.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Introduction to the wedding party: Nate and Anna

As I was not so good yesterday (I stayed up too late on Sunday night posting Beret and watching that Oscars) I didn't get to post Nate yesterday, so instead, I'm going to introduce you to Nate, Stefan's brother and Best Man, and Anna, Nate's wife and one of my beautiful bridesmaids!

These two lovelies just recently got hitched themselves, back in May 2009 - the pictures is from their wedding. I thought it only fitting! Nate and Anna have been a great support to us through this process (as they always are!), with ideas and tips on wedding planning, and most importantly their love and support!

We love you both endlessly and look forward to many happy Pearson Family times to come! x

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Introduction to the wedding party: Beret

Firstly I apologise for this long over due series of posts (starting today).... But here it is; introductions to the wedding party, one by one. Starting with Beret, my Maid of Honor and my rock. I am so honored to have her friendship, love and wisdom to share this special time with. x

p.s. Beret - I hope this photograph of you is ok?! The rest of the pictures that I have of you either involve a swim suit, a drink, beach hair or are from some other amazing trip that we have been on together that I think that you would prefer not to be on the internet! : )

To come next: The Best Man...